Trans-intermechanic and effects 7,401 to 7,410.
Graceli's theorem for entropy and enthalpy.
Within each atom there are infinite particles with random vibrations, transformations, interactions of charges, ions and energies, entanglements, diverse energies with varied and categorical flows, tunnels, conductivities, and others.
With this, an entropic-entropic system is contained within each atom.
That is, each particle is a system of exchanges and interactions of energies and charges, thus forming a theorem for internal energies and external energies within the atom itself. And this corroborates the transcendent and indeterminate oscillating generalized quantum trans-thermodynamic system with a Graceli theorem, replacing the theorem H.
That is, there is no entropy without enthalpy, and vice versa.
With variable effects and chains for other secondary phenomena. According to the categories of Graceli.
And temperature is not isolated from other types of energies, such as radioactivities, electromagnetism, atomic structure, dynamics, luminescences, tunnels, entanglements, interactions and transformations, and others. And vice versa.
Graceli's theorem for entropy and enthalpy.
Within each atom there are infinite particles with random vibrations, transformations, interactions of charges, ions and energies, entanglements, diverse energies with varied and categorical flows, tunnels, conductivities, and others.
With this, an entropic-entropic system is contained within each atom.
That is, each particle is a system of exchanges and interactions of energies and charges, thus forming a theorem for internal energies and external energies within the atom itself. And this corroborates the transcendent and indeterminate oscillating generalized quantum trans-thermodynamic system with a Graceli theorem, replacing the theorem H.
That is, there is no entropy without enthalpy, and vice versa.
With variable effects and chains for other secondary phenomena. According to the categories of Graceli.
And temperature is not isolated from other types of energies, such as radioactivities, electromagnetism, atomic structure, dynamics, luminescences, tunnels, entanglements, interactions and transformations, and others. And vice versa.
Trans-intermecânica e efeitos 7.401 a 7.410.
Teorema Graceli para entropia e entalpia.
Dentro da cada átomo se tem infinitas partículas com vibrações aleatórias, transformações, interações de cargas, íons e energias, emaranhamentos, energias diversas com fluxos variados e categoriais, tunelamentos, condutividades, e outros.
Com isto se tem dentro de cada átomo um sistema entalpico-entrópico.
Ou seja, cada partícula é um sistema de trocas e interações de energias e cargas, formando assim, um teorema para energias interna e energias externas dentro do próprio átomo. E isto corrobora o sistema trans-termodinâmico quântico generalizado oscilante transcendente e indeterminado, com um teorema Graceli, em substituição ao teorema H.
Ou seja, não existe entropia sem entalpia, e vice-versa.
Com efeitos variáveis e cadeias para outros fenômenos secundários. Conforme as categorias de Graceli.
E a temperatura não está isolada de outros tipos de energias, como radioatividades, eletromagnetismo, estrutura atômica, dinâmicas, luminescências, tunelamentos, emaranhamentos, fluxos quantico e vibratorios, interações e transformações, e outros. E vice-versa.
First Law of Quantum trans-thermodynamics categorial Graceli- The energy (E) of the Universe is random oscillating transcendent and indeterminate;
Second law of categorical trans-thermodynamics Graceli - The entropy (S) of the Universe does not tend to a maximum, but is itself transcendent and indeterminate random oscillating;
That is, there is no homogeneous system in relation to time, or even space, and transcendent and infinitesimal phenomenological physical means.
Principle of irreversibility.
So one has an irreversibility because it is the entropy with an initial and final time within a time and greater intensity, ie, imagine a pendulum, the coming and going of the pendulum does not determine the time that advances and returns, but a forward movement and back, as well as during all process of movements, they were made in a total time of realization of the movements, thus, if one has the irreversibility of time.
As already written by Graceli, time can exist to be existential and not exist, to be phenomenal and not phenomenal.
Space can also be phenomenal categorial.
With this entropy and enthalpy does not grow, but oscillates in transcendent and indeterminate random streams.
the probabilistic interpretation of the categorical entropy with other agents and elements of Graceli, with the following expression: S = k n Ω + [eeeeeffd [f] [mcCdt] [cG].
, where k was later called the Boltzmann constant and Ω is the number of possible configurations of a system. com +[eeeeeffd[f][mcCdt][cG]. se tem a entropy transcendent and indeterminate de Graceli.
Second law of categorical trans-thermodynamics Graceli - The entropy (S) of the Universe does not tend to a maximum, but is itself transcendent and indeterminate random oscillating;
That is, there is no homogeneous system in relation to time, or even space, and transcendent and infinitesimal phenomenological physical means.
Principle of irreversibility.
So one has an irreversibility because it is the entropy with an initial and final time within a time and greater intensity, ie, imagine a pendulum, the coming and going of the pendulum does not determine the time that advances and returns, but a forward movement and back, as well as during all process of movements, they were made in a total time of realization of the movements, thus, if one has the irreversibility of time.
As already written by Graceli, time can exist to be existential and not exist, to be phenomenal and not phenomenal.
Space can also be phenomenal categorial.
With this entropy and enthalpy does not grow, but oscillates in transcendent and indeterminate random streams.
the probabilistic interpretation of the categorical entropy with other agents and elements of Graceli, with the following expression: S = k n Ω + [eeeeeffd [f] [mcCdt] [cG].
, where k was later called the Boltzmann constant and Ω is the number of possible configurations of a system. com +[eeeeeffd[f][mcCdt][cG]. se tem a entropy transcendent and indeterminate de Graceli.
Being [eeeeeffd [f] [mcCdt] [cG], categories of Graceli.
The entropy of the Universe does not grow, but fluctuates in flows according to indeterministic indices of categories of Graceli,
Primeira Lei da trans-Termodinâmica quântica categorial Graceli– A energia (E) do Universo é oscilante aleatória transcendente e indeterminada;
Segunda Lei da trans-Termodinâmica quântica categorial Graceli – A entropia (S) do Universo não tende para um máximo, mas é em si oscilante aleatória transcendente e indeterminada;
Ou seja, não existe um sistema homogêneo em relação ao tempo, ou mesmo ao espaço, e meios físicos fenomênicos transcendentes e infinitesimais.
Princípio da irreversibilidade.
Então se tem uma irreversibilidade por ser a entropia com um tempo inicial e final dentro de um tempo e intensidade maior, ou seja, imagine um pêndulo, o ir e vir do pêndulo não determina o tempo que avança e volta, mas um movimento de ida e volta, como também durante todo processo de movimentos, eles foram feito num tempo total de realização dos movimentos, logo, se tem a irreversibilidade do tempo.
Como já foi escrito por Graceli o tempo pode ser existencial existir e não existir, ser fenomênico e não fenomênico.
O espaço também pode ser fenomênico categorial.
Com isto a entropia e entalpia não cresce, mas oscila em fluxos aleatórios transcendentes e indeterminados.
a interpretação probabilística da entropia categorial com outros agentes e elementos de Graceli, com a seguinte expressão: S = k n Ω+[eeeeeffd[f][mcCdt][cG].
, onde k foi mais tarde chamada de constante de Boltzmann e Ω é o número de configurações possíveis de um sistema. e com as categorias de Graceli +[eeeeeffd[f][mcCdt][cG]. se tem a entropia transcendente e indeterminada de Graceli.
Sendo [eeeeeffd[f][mcCdt][cG], categorias de Graceli.
A entropia do Universo não cresce, mas oscila em fluxos conforme índices indeterminísticos de categorias de Graceli,
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